Why I Love FemThought
I discovered today that my sexual politics are at odds with the heteropatriarchal systems of realist belonging. Any help on what that actually means would be appreciated.
a one-girl exploration of what it means to be a sex-positive feminist. gender, sexuality, feminism, sluttiness, and post-modernism
I discovered today that my sexual politics are at odds with the heteropatriarchal systems of realist belonging. Any help on what that actually means would be appreciated.
How's about that for a horribly cliche 2005 magazine article title?
*God def. All powerful being who is in favour of the war in Iraq
Ok, so feministing.com has already treated this topic
[A] condoms-don't-work ad campaign led sexually active teens to have unprotected sex: "My boyfriend says they don't work. He heard it on the radio." Why is the Bush Administration giving horny teenage boys an excuse to be sexually selfish?
Landing across my metaphorical desk from feministing.com, a new report from The Society of Adolescent Medicine about abstinence-only education in the US. Its claim is that abstinence-only education is not only ethically wrong, it is also self-defeating. Can we take a moment to pretend to be shocked and at least make them feel better about it?
"Ethics" is a branch of philosophy deals with systematic approaches to understanding morality. Ethics includes a process by which one determines an action as moral or immoral. Generally, an act is considered "moral" if it is right or results in good being done, while an immoral act is determined to be wrong or bad. Therefore, it follows that "morality" refers to a specific situation or event that requires judgment regarding its relative "rightness" or "wrongness." The term "values" refers to estimations of worth. If an individual values one ethical principle over another, an "ethical dilemma" has been created. One's values often determine whether or not an action was moral, while the process by which the act was accomplished is judged by ethical standards.
First, is it ethical to intentionally withhold sexuality information from students? ... A better question might be asked "is it ethical to withhold contraceptive information from secondary students?" ... Second, is it ethical to present contraceptive information exclusively in terms of failure rates? Does using a negative approach (ie, failure rates) violate any ethical principles? Does using negative approaches constitute "scare tactics" methodology? Health educators sometimes use scare tactics to influence student behavior. For example, risks associated with cigarette, alcohol, and other drug use are routinely emphasized in health education lessons. Failure rates for contraceptives, when accurately presented, can be used in instruction if these rates represent factual information.
Third, what are the implications of educating students that the only acceptable form of sexual expression occurs in marriage? What does this approach say to gay and lesbian students forbidden by law to "marry" in a legal sense? What does this message say to those with no plans to marry, or to those who wait until later in life to marry?
The median age at first marriage in the United States is 25.9 years for men and 24 years for women, yet 80% of college students 18 - 24 years of age have engaged in sexual intercourse. Given the high divorce rate in America, is it ethical to imply that marriage offers the only answer to sexual fulfillment and protection from the "emotional and physical problems associated with sexual activity?"
This week, viagra-type drugs for women were explored at I Blame The Patriarchy
This blog is kind of academic, I can feel that even before writing pretty much anything in it. For something a little more sensual, let your fingers do the walking over your clit mouse and keyboard to The Bliss Project where my softer self has been known to let go a little, along with a bunch more anonymous women posters just letting their own erotica spill out onto the digital page. You can contact Lenee if you'd like to add your own to the project - in fact, I very much encourage you to do so, because that's the point of the thing. Plus, the poetry is lovely.
So the inspiration for this blog came about like all good inspiration - with some right wing bitch with a holier-than-thou attitude who suggested that we bring Ann Coulter to speak at universities because she would inspire young women to more moral thought than the Vagina Monologues. You can read that article here. It will one day disappear and I will have to deign to copy out the whole thing.