a one-girl exploration of what it means to be a sex-positive feminist. gender, sexuality, feminism, sluttiness, and post-modernism

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

How it all began...

So the inspiration for this blog came about like all good inspiration - with some right wing bitch with a holier-than-thou attitude who suggested that we bring Ann Coulter to speak at universities because she would inspire young women to more moral thought than the Vagina Monologues. You can read that article here. It will one day disappear and I will have to deign to copy out the whole thing.

After I read the article, I started calling myself a slut feminist. Not only does the name have an aural aesthetic that I very much like, it's also provocative and titilating enough for the people that I think will appreciate reading this blog. Yes, those are mostly my friends. We'll see where this crazy adventure takes us.



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